Let’s Reminisce the Good Old Days

By Ireviewuread

I believe the need to reminisce the days comes with age. The older you are, the more stuff happen the more you would want to turn back the clock and relieve those times.

Well, apparently I'm of that age. However, I'm not going to torture you with the 300 posts I wrote over the past 5 years. Yes IreviewUread is 5 years old. I'm both in shock and oddly proud for sticking to something for so long. I am known to get bored easily ok. Back to the point.

In this throwback I'm going to highlight to you 7 posts from IreviewUread which you might have missed out over the years. Like the trend of having a backstory to each Instagram photo, I'm going to write the backstory or if there's none, the aftermath of the post here. Have a blast at seeing both sides of the screen. Ok reading.

Know before you lose | Breast Cancer Awareness Month

I did not plan to write this. I mean I was supposed to talk about domestic violence and abuse - which I eventually touched on HERE - but apparently I got the wrong memo in my head and research about Breast cancer instead. Eventually I realized my mistake but I still continue to publish this article because this accidental discovery did educate me a lot on this topic - a topic which every woman and men should know.

In the article, I talk about pink washing and how companies are claiming that certain products of theirs are not only helping breast cancer but prevent them too - or whatever marketing tactic they are using. However, some of these claims are lies. They are used to attract more customers and not really helping those whom are affected. I am bringing this up once again because this applies to green products as well - Green washing - It works the same way but this time it affect green products. This is also applicable to other causes as well.

My conclusion on this is, please do not take things at surface level. Just because a company say something does not mean that it is a guaranteed that the company will do that - especially bigger name companies for they get away by throwing money at the problem. Do your research and if you want to donate to the causes, donate to them directly.

You can read my article on Breast Cancer Awareness HERE - don't mind the formatting. I was using a different theme back than. I'm sure it's readable.

Mr Nutcase Customized Phone Cover | Sponsored

I'm not adding this post because they are sponsored - I'm not getting commission at all. It's because I have a story to tell behind these reviews. Something like the aftermath of this or the beforemath. Whichever.

For this cover, there's a reason why I had chose these mismatched pictures. Each and every one of them signify a memory. A memory I had with either IreviewUread or with my friends. I don't want to put their picture for I really don't want to see their faces 24/7. It will haunt me. They will haunt me.

Now the starting first picture at my camera where my face is cut off is from my Decleor facial. That exact place which my phone camera was, was the camera which I was using to take the photo. Camera on camera. Does this makes sense? You can read the review and see the pictures here.

On the right hand side is a light. A table light from my first ever food review - Bear Bites! They're quite tasty. It's such as shame they shut down. You can read that here.

Below it is the ceiling of Singapore Art museum which I went with my friend after attending my first ever invited fitness event - Fit to Win Final weight in - Read that here.

The huge latte is when I went Tiong Bahru Cafe hopping with my friend. It was supposed to be a post here. However, I just didn't feel my picture quality was good enough and before I know it, a year have past. Thus, I scrapped the post. It was a great experience though.

Beside the lattee were 3 pictures:

  • River Ang Bao Temple - This was one of the public events which my sec sch clique and I went to. Rare occasion because normally we don't attend events together as a full clique. If I'm not wrong, it's also one of the last events we attended together as a clique. The story is not as sad as you think. We still see each other but we just don't go to events together as a full clique.
  • Unicorn from Get Snap Blingo! - this is one of the most fun blogger event I ever been too. It's just an experience. Read about it here.
  • Hong Kong souvenir - I went Hong Kong did you know? That was before I had Instagram I believe. It was madness. But it was my first trip overseas aside from Malaysia.
Sothys Lunar New Year Prosperity Tea event

Below the lattee was the Sothys Lunar New Year Prosperity Tea event I went to - One of the most atas blogger event/ restaurants I've been to - Read more about it here.

Beside the plate was my shelf. My beloved shelf which I use in so many of my photography and videography. There's no reason for why it is there. To take up space I supposed?

Vertically below the shelf are 2 event:

  • V10 plus LX Series Launch - One of the first few companies which invited me to events and I really liked my flat lay. Read about the event here and the review of the products here.
  • Honeyz Cube x HKCplaza Pamper Party - This is the most warm event I ever been to. Although I was still a awkward potato and a small time blogger, I felt very welcome by the host and the bloggers there. Read about the eventhere.

Finally, the last picture is my cover page of that time. Easier for me to point out what is my blog since I didn't have a name card at that time. Plus it's because of IreviewUread that I get to do this. Thus.

Now you can read my review of the cover Here, if you're not sick of staring at words.

Skinfood Fresh Apple Sparkling Pore Kit Gift Set Review | Sponsored

This is one of the first few sponsored items I got and for some reason I got a lot of hits from this post alone - back in the days, I mean. I'm not saying it's a world class A star review but the fact that people are reading this over the other posts on IreviewUread have gotten you curious right?

Feed your curiosity HERE.

Elizavecca Milky Piggy Carbonated Bubble Clay Mask Review

This is one of the first non-sponsored beauty reviews I posted on my youtube channel. It was so fun. However, that does not mean I stop writing my blog post. Normally, i would post my video and my blog post about the video at the same time. I know it sounds like double work. It kinda is. But it's all for you guys #BeingNobleHere . Anyways, you can read and watch this review Here.

13 Types of Interns in Singapore

In case you have not noticed, I'm funny. However because of the limitation I gave IreviewUread at that time, I was restricted to posting beauty related posts. I did post lifestyle posts and other funny post elsewhere but I felt that it was changed such that I did not feel that it was my work. I was confused over that. It was until my friend decided to enlighten me that I'm my own boss so why am I restricting myself. I can post whatever I want on my blog. So I did.

This is my first official lifestyle/ humor post on IreviewUread and I am very proud of this because every single thing in this post was written by experience - a very very long internship experience. Like who needs to research shit when you're the source? #OriginalPosterForLife Anyways read my post here. You won't regret it.

ZA X Lowry's Farm Fashion and Styling makeup workshop

Way back in the days before I was invited any event, I apply to go to these kind of makeup workshop through magazines. I mean if they're free, why not? It was then I got traumatized with them using real rabbit's fur. Read the full story here.

P.s. I was 17.

I know many of you know IreviewUread for it's beauty posts and the lack of beauty related posts in this post does bug me a little. Thus, I shall refer you to my compiled list of the BEST BEAUTY PRODUCTS AND SERVICES which I've tried. Read my list here.

And that's the end of my list. Now that you had a blast to the past, time to come back to reality.