Let’s Learn the Facts Before We Stigmatize Somebody.

By Gran13

  • Let’s learn the facts before we stigmatize somebody.Is it possible to learn the facts before stigmatizing someone?
  • Before we label a person, shouldn’t we examine their contents first?
  • Every mental illness has a human face. Confront the myths causing the silence. Just one lesson on mental illness in a classroom could make a huge difference to the lives of young people who’ve been thrown tragically off course by a depression, a bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder O.C.D. or a panic disorder.
  • These are all no fault disorders. It’s no one’s fault.
  • Let’s teach people that Biology, and not a character flaw cause mental illness. These illnesses are treatable and he earlier they are taken care of, the better. There are warning signs.