Legendary Top Ten!

By Manofyesterday

Originally posted on spalanz:

@Marrrkusss got a top ten list of legendary heroes coming this eve would love to hear yours

— Robert D. Spake (@manofyesterday1) February 12, 2015

So the gauntlet has been lain! As you may well know, Marvel Legendary is one of my favorite games, so of course I was more than willing to put together a list of my top ten heroes! (drumroll please)

Wolverine (base game)
For his healing alone, I always look at picking this guy up where I can, but combined with the card draw, I love this guy!

Iron Man (base game)
Iron Man is one of my favorite Avengers, so there is some of this influencing my choice here. I like him for his card draw, same as Wolverine, but the full power of his tech-hero synergy really comes to the fore with the expansions, and inter-expansion synergy is something I always enjoy. So yeah…

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