Lee Stafford Hair Growth

By Yougottabegorgeousx @yougottabgorgex
Helloo so today I have a post for you all about hair growth. You know when you get to that stage when you're growing your hair and it just looks a bit odd, because it's not short enough to be short but it's also not long. Well I got to that stage recently and so I thought I would try out the LEE Stafford Hair Growth Shampoo, Conditioner and Treatment (review on that too come).

Any way to the shampoo, to be honest I don;t really know what I think of this. My hair did grow a little faster and did get a little thicker in the period of time that I was using the range but it wasn't that noticeable. I also can not pin point which product it was that actually gave the most input.I thought this was alright as a shampoo. It cleaned my hair but for the price I can get a shampoo that it a couple of quid that cleans my hair. It also smelt amazing. Like ALL Lee Stafford products.As for the conditioner I did really like this. Again I can not pin point if it actually helped my hair to grow but it really felt like it was doing amazing things for my hair.I would put this on and then leave it for about 2/3 minutes and then wash it off and it honestly felt like a hair mask when I washed it off. It made my hair really silky and smooth and helped with my split ends. I suppose that all of these factors will contribute to hair growth as if you have health hair then it is more likely to grow.
Anyway these products are around the £7 mark and you can purchase them here.Thank you see you soon x x
P.s there will be a post on the treatment coming up soon :)