Leaving Myself Vulnerable

By Lifeasarunningmom @RunningMom6
This post has been on my heart for ages and now I finally feel the timing is right.

You see, I have been invited to speak at two events in the next few months. One is actually next month and involves me flying to O'ahu. I am more than happy to do this and the lady in charge gave me many opportunities to opt out if the expense was too much for me and my family to cover. But the thing is, I signed up to be a Silent No More Regional Coordinator for a reason and to back down from such an amazing opportunity because of the financial cost to my family seems weak. God called me to this work and I have faith in him. He also called me to design this shirt to raise funds for my ministry work. 

Personally, I love the message on this shirt. Life does not get easier, you get stronger.

Grab your shirt today

That is so true. Stepping out on faith and making myself vulnerable not only through writing this post but by standing in front of who knows how many people to tell my story not once, but twice, is not easy. It is hard. Very hard. But each time I tell my story I am getting stronger. Stronger in the faith that God will watch over and protect me. I am doing His work and put all my faith in him.
I will speak on behalf of the Silent No More Campaign and its three goals:
  • To help people touched by abortion find healing, resources can be found at AbortionForgiveness.com
  • To educate society about the harmful after-effects of abortion through our testimonies, found at AbortionTestimonies.com
  • To and discourage people from thinking abortion is a good solution to an unplanned pregnancy.
Since 2003, over 6,200 women and men have shared their stories at nearly 1700 events in 17 countries and all 50 states.
The SilentNoMore.com website has over 2400 stories of regret with over 400 on video.Silent No More has 17,000 plus members who also regret their abortion, their lost fatherhood or the death of an aborted family member.We share our stories, because our experience destroys the rhetoric, that women need abortion.If you feel called to do so, please grab a t-shirt today as my speech next month will cost my family close to $500 for airfare and accommodations alone. And I would by lying if I didn't say I need dear hubby by my side for support.Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for God's strength.Daily Bible Verse: Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. ~ James 5:16