Do you love checking off your daily to-do list? Do you wish you were more organized and prepared when heading to a networking event, going on an interview or submitting your resume?
If you want to be successful in your job hunt, you must dot your i’s and cross your t’s. It is so important to make sure you present your best and that you don’t forget any little detail! One misspelling on your resume and it is in the trash. One unprepared answer at an interview and you may not be offered the job. I have seen so many people just try to wing interviews or rush through resume submissions. If you are applying to 15 online job postings a day and have received no calls back, it is very likely you are missing a step on my checklist!
I love checking of my to-do list. That is why I put together a together a list of important questions that you want to ask yourself before heading into an interview, a networking event or submitting your resume! To find these free career resources, head on over to resources to the Free Resources section (CLICK HERE). These are the checklists that I go through and I recommend that you do too! If you do, you will be so much closer to that dream job!
Remember that someone else might be more experienced, more educated or more qualified than you are but there’s never going to be another you!!
Good luck!!