Lean Legs March Challenge 2014

By Laurenegeorge
I hope you are having a great week so far! As you know, I am a huge fan of squeezing in exercise anywhere and everywhere I can. Sometimes, we just don't have the time to haul our buns to the gym for an hour long sweat session, but that doesn't mean you can't drop and give me 20 during a commercial break. With that principle in mind, I designed my Lean Legs March challenge 2 years ago (I can't believe it's been that long). I thought we could bring it back for a little 2014 fun!
This program is designed to be done at home and can be performed alone or in conjunction with your current fitness routine for a little extra cupcake (booty) love! It shouldn't take you more than 5-10 minutes each day. The image is easier to read if you click to enlarge it.

For a more in depth description of each week's exercises, see the following posts.
Week one exercises.
Week two exercises.
Week three exercises.
Week four exercises.
Week five exercises (plus the 31st).
I hope you enjoy, and let me know if you give it a try!


For all of my mommy-to-be friends out there, check out my post over at For Two Fitness on "The Top 5 Reasons You Should Belly Up To The Barre While Pregnant!" Thank you For Two Fitness for allowing me to share my love of barre with other mommies!
It's time for me to whip up some lunch. I hope you have a lovely rest of your day!
Do you enjoy participating in fitness challenges?

Do you set any mini challenges for yourself? I challenge myself to do 50 push-ups every day to keep a strong upper body.
In health,
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