Le-Vel Thrive Pro Review: How This Protein Bar Changed My Snacking Habits

By Lyndsay S @lyndsinreallife

Le-Vel Thrive PRO Bar Review

It’s incredibly easy for me to grab whatever snack is around when I’m on-the-go. That usually means something filled with sugar, simple carbs, and junk. Nothing nutritious. When I eat crummy, I feel crummy. I need to have energy throughout the day, especially when it comes to making sure the girl I nanny gets to her activities and gets her schoolwork done. I realized I needed a snack that would give me protein and complex carbs. That’s where Le-Vel THRIVE PRO premium lifestyle nutrition/protein bars come in.

This post is sponsored by Le-Vel. All opinions and verbiage are my own.

Here’s my Le-Vel Thrive PRO Bar Review

Here’s the thing: I have a really hard time making sure I get enough protein. I’ve always been a (simple) carbs kind of gal. I’ve found it’s crucial to carry a protein bar in my purse or gym bag. Lately, I’ve been loving my THRIVE PRO bars.  They contain 20 grams of a proprietary sequential protein, with only 2-3 grams of sugar, and the carbohydrate to protein ratio is perfect for a healthy snack!

THRIVE PRO bars also double as a pre and post-workout snack, providing just the right amount of fuel and recovery. I was struggling to provide my body with the nutrition it needed for my runs, and you wouldn’t believe how much better I felt (and feel)!

Le-Vel THRIVE PRO protein bars are especially popular in my house because they’re gluten free.

THRIVE PRO bars come in 4 flavors: birthday cake (my favorite), lemon meringue, cinnamon roll, and cookies & cream. Le-Vel makes many other products including their 3 Step Thrive Experience.  If you’re interested, check out this review on the Thrive Experience.

I definitely feel like a healthier, happier athlete + person with THRIVE PRO protein bars. Thanks Le-Vel!

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