LCHF Treatment of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Do you want to know more about low-carb, high-fat diets? One of the world's leading experts, Dr. Eric Westman, gave two presentations at the LCHF convention last year.

In the first one he teaches us the practical aspects of how to do a low-carb diet - just like he teaches his patients. Watch it here

In this second talk - pictured above - he tells the story of how he, as a doctor, got interested when his patients started losing weight on low carb. Then he learned more and published his own studies on it. This is a talk for people who want to understand how low carb works.

Watch the full presentation

You can buy access to the entire LCHF convention for $49 dollars from the organizers. Or you can watch this talk on our member pages:

Watch the presentation on the member pages

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