Last of the Brussels Sprouts

By Mwillis
The construction of my new raised bed has meant that the Brussels Sprout plants have had to come up.

But they delivered one final picking of sprouts:

They were of course all the little tiny ones from up near the tops of the plants, but collectively they made a worthwhile quantity.

Talking of tops:

In amongst all that greenery there is a decent amount of edible material! The Top of a Brussels Sprout plant is exactly like a Cabbage, and can be used as such.

Having been exposed to the elements (at relatively high altitude too!) lots of the leaves will be a bit damaged, but if you choose wisely you are bound to be able to save a fair few. When cooked they are very like Spring Greens.

In the fight against Whitefly and Cabbage White butterflies, I consider myself to have achieved a victory! Very soon it will be time to sow seeds for the next lot of Sprouts, so the cycle will have come full-circle again. I'll probably be growing the same 3 varieties again, since I have seeds left over from last year. They were "Brilliant", "Bosworth" and "Napoleon".