Last Call . . .

By Vickilane

Many thanks to all my blog and Facebook friends who have supported me by donating to 

Asheville Writers in the Schools. You all are the best!
Your donation will help to fund this year's Family Voices program at Hall Fletcher Elementary School in Asheville, where 70% of the students participate in the free and reduced lunch program. The Family Voices program brings together 3rd and 4th grade families for a series of evening creative writing workshops. Dinner, childcare and transportation are provided and the evening is conducted in both Spanish and English so that Latino families can participate most comfortably. You can check out the bilingual anthology that came out of last year's program by clicking on this link

And, just in case you missed it (and because I was asked to post this one last time) -- there's still time to help foster literary creativity in the Asheville schools by donating to this great non-profit -- find out more at

In return for your donation I'll email you one of my unpublished short stories -- a spooky mountain tale.  (The organization will send me a list of names and emails.)

Just click on this LINK to sponsor me via Pay Pal -- or if you prefer to send a check, make it to Asheville Writers  in the Schools, put my name in the memo line, and mail it to 347 Kenilworth Road, Asheville, NC 28805.

End of shameless begging . . . back to scenery and kittehs and other stuff.

