Laser Treatment Clinic Marine Boost Serum

By Hollysbeautybox @hollysbeautybox
Hi everyone!
The lovely people over at Love Makeup sent me over a bottle of the Laser Treatment Clinic Harley Street Marine Boost Serum to try.
 The packaging is silver and very science-y looking LOL - I am so rubbish at thinking of ways to describe things! 
The bottle itself is glass and has a silver dispenser pump at the top.  
As for the serum - well! there are loads of good things to say about it but there is also one bad thing to say so I will start with the good first so not to put a negative spin on the product.
The best thing by far about the product is the fact that it really works.  The serum really gives a moisture boost to my skin without making it look greasy and it sinks in almost immediately.  You can actually feel it sinking into the skin.  A few days of using this and my skin is in better shape moisture wise than it has been in quite some time.  The product also says this can eliminate marks and scars on your face which I have to say I have noticed a reduction of.  With that said, I have only been using this for a week or so and I would assume that with continued use I would see even more results.
Some serums are not serums, they can be a little roo creamy or oily but this one is in my opinion a real serum which I really like.
Onto the bad thing - the smell. I don't know if I am the only one or not, but the smell of this physically makes me feel sick. It smells like green tea and I hate the smell of green tea. I genuinely feel as though I could leave the product out of my skincare routine because of the smell. That's how much I hate it. Please feel free to let me know what you think of the smell by leaving me a comment below because I just cannot deal.  Really really dislike it.
All in all this is a pretty great product but because of the smell, I would not repurchase it.
What are your thoughts on the serum?
I also love that this