Land Applications of Radar Remote Sensing

By T_mackinnon @tedmackinnon

Synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) is a type of radar data that can be used to generate 3D images of terrestrial object, such as topography. SAR images have multiple applications in remote sensing and topographic mapping of surfaces.

The images are created from radio pulses that are transmitted towards a target area, then received and recorded. The pulse waves are ussually transmitted and received with a single beam antenna, and the wavelengths used can be anywhere from a meter to a few centimeters.

The book Land Applications of Radar Remote Sensing demonstrates the use of SAR with topography and land cover. The authors go into extensive details on speckle and adaptive filtering, as well as digital elevation models (DEMs) and terrain modeling.

This remote sensing book is completely free to read online as well as download in PDF format.

Chapter 1 Adaptive Speckle Filtering in Radar Imagery
Chapter 2 Large Scale Mapping of Forests and Land Cover with Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
Chapter 3 Estimation of Cultivated Areas Using Multi-Temporal SAR Data
Chapter 4 Combining Moderate-Resolution Time-Series RS Data from SAR and Optical Sources for Rice Crop Characterisation: Examples from Bangladesh
Chapter 5 Change Detection and Classification Using High Resolution SAR Interferometry
Chapter 6 High Resolution Radargrammetry – 3D Terrain Modeling
Chapter 7 Fusion of Interferometric SAR and Photogrammetric Elevation Data
Chapter 8 Mapping of Ground Deformations with Interferometric Stacking Techniques
Chapter 9 SAR Data Analysis in Solid Earth Geophysics: From Science to Risk Management
Chapter 10 Dikes Stability Monitoring Versus Sinkholes and Subsidence, Dead Sea Region, Jordan

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February 21, 2015 | CanadianGIS
  • Geo Books
  • Geo Industry News

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