Lacquerlicious - Strawberry Cosmo

By Marijonails @marijonails
Hi fellow nail polish lovers!!
I have a lovely glitter to share with you for Pink Wednesday.  Lacquerlicious Strawberry Cosmo is described as a pink/magenta hologlam glitter.  I decided to layer if over OPI If You Moust You Moust.

Artificial Light

Artificial Light

Artificial Light

Natural Light

I only applied one coat of Strawberry Cosmo over If You Moust You Moust and, as you can see, it provided great coverage.
I really wanted to do a jelly sandwich with this glitter, so I added a coat of Sally Hansen Arm Candy, then topped it off with Seche Vite.

Artificial Light

Artificial Light

Artificial Light



This is such a pretty glitter!!  I love how the jelly sandwich turned out.  It's so... pink!!
What do you guys think of Strawberry Cosmo?  Have you tried any Lacquerlicious polishes before?