It has always been made clear verbally that Sophie has only ever suffered from anorexia. She has anxiety but not a disorder. She has no other co-morbidity illnesses or addictions, only the high functioning aspergers.
Until …
Filling in the equity assessment forms for university entrance, each need a statement from her psychiatrist. We have got these types of statements before for getting her through the HSC and school certificate exams. This time was different.
There clearly on the page was … “suffered from anorexia nervosa, body dysmorphia disorder, and social anxiety disorder“. Umm, hello!? Was anyone ever going to tell her parent, if not the patient herself.
We are over 3.5 years after diagnosis of the anorexia itself, surely somewhere along the line somebody could have mentioned the other two.
When were these diagnosis made and why. Understanding and learning from our end would have been beneficial. I assume Sophie’s counselor knows of the labels as she keeps in close weekly contact with the psychiatrist.
So another ‘talk’ with the psych to find out ‘what the …’ and get a full explanation. That will happen in a couple of weeks. Sophie saw her counselor today and I think they actually tackled how to express her feelings – particularly to her dad. In a positive way not a negative way that immediately breaks down communication. Thankfully her counselor has given her several sessions from now to the end of year. Leave it up to Sophie and no appts would have been made.