L'Oreal Studio Matt and Messy

By Yougottabegorgeousx @yougottabgorgex
I love the "beach wave" tousled hair look, so when this product came out I just had to pick it up. It is really cheap, under £4 and actually works really well. Now when I first got this product I really hated it. I just couldn't seem to get it to work for me. But now I seem to have worked out how to use it correctly, it is a really great product.

The bottle is really cute, it's round and quite small but holds 150mls. Now I absolutely hate the smell. I'm not sure what it is but it just doesn't go down well with my nose.

You can see here the left side has the product on and the right doesn't. It makes such a difference. I pretty much left my hair to air dry, I have really naturally straight hair. So you can see it has added loads of volume and a little bit of shape. It gives lasting volume and looks naturally shapely and voluminous. 

I really think this product is worth giving a go, as it is so cheap and makes such a difference. 
How do you get a beach wave look? Which is your favorite sea salt spray?
Thank you, see you soon.
Love Allie x x x x 
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