"The right choice of shades ofred lipstickshouldmake you feelpowerful, confident, sexy, brieflyshould besomething that youchose towear, and not something thatwill wear you." -LynseyAlexander-makeup artist
Red lipstickisclassicandwill nevercease from being actualized. Necessaryas alittle black dress, and every womanshould findherperfect shade
Through the history thisshinyand brave color waswornon the lipsof beautiful andpowerful women, starting with Cleopatra, whousedred pigmentsobtainedfrom someinsectsandants, toQueen Elizabeth,whom whichred lipstickwas made from bee waxandnatural pigments
The secretof an effectivelookwithred on thelipsisinfinding the rightshadesinaccordancewith the color ofcomplexion, whileothermakeupshould beverypaleandneutral.
The realcolor redis suitableforlight,porcelaincomplexion,shouldlook fora color thathas a blueundertone, notyellowishIfa tan isbeige-yellowish, thenchoose thecoralshadeswith orangeandgoldenundertones. Fortannedskinis recommendedundertone ofbrickcolor, like the colorof rotten cherry. Berryred color, withpinkundertones isgoodfor womenwitholive-coloredcomplexion
Alllipsticksfrom this collectionarematte, with drysiliconetexture, whichdoes not spill, fast-absorbing, classic L'Oreal rosefragranceand are quitedurable
Julianne'sbrightvermilionredorChinese red-suitsblondes, redheadsor light skinwomen
Blake'sis thepurestclassicredandis perfectifyou have awarmundertonecomplexionorif you areblonde
Freida'spinkishred colorissuitable for womenwith olive-dark-skinned andwith dark eyes
Laetitia'schampagneforwomenwith lightcomplexion, dark hair, blue eyes…
How toapplyred lipstick?
Dopeeling on yourlipswith a dampsoft toothbrush.
Applylip balmandhydratelips.
Frame thelipswith lip pencilin askin coloror with correctorina skin color.
Gentlylean thetissueandremoveexcesslipstick
How to removered lipstick?Hereyourmicellarlotionis of no use,instead you should usemilk for removing makeup,some tonicfor removingwaterproof makeup, or in the absence ofthe above, olive oil