KW Research in 2019

By Geoff Griffiths @mmatraining1980


Just thought I’d write a post about how I go about doing my SEO & PPC Keyword Research these days.

  1. Add head term to google search bar in chrome

Make a note of the suggested searches & predicted searches

Predicted Searches in the Address/Search Bar Related/Suggested Searches at the Bottom

2. Google Alphabet Soup

Put in your main head term and then add a

then b, then c and so on

Make a note of the relevant suggestions

3. Have a Quick Look on Reddit & Amazon

Have a look at any relevant subreddits on Reddit – e.g.

Do a quick search for “KW”

Have a look on Amazon, just search your head term and see what products appear

In the example above .- “The Dude and the Zen Master” might be a decent KW

4. Add Competitor Domains to Ubersuggest or use the SEMRush plugin.

If neccesary, we could export the KWs in this report, and then filter in Excel for those containing “Jeff Bridges”

5. Upload your Final KW List to Keyword Planner

A final note on search volumes.

For some blogs and websites, even keywords with 0 monthly searches may be relevant.

My other blog – has built all of its traffic off KWs that Google KW planner says has 0 searches.

It all depends on how authoritative your website is and your competitors are. You can go after bigger, more popular KWs if you are a huge website with a DA of 90. It’s a different ball game if you are running a personal blog with a DA of 15

Try and include a number of the relevant searches in your articles etc.