Happy Thursday!!Well, it's not really a happy one but it is a alright one.LOL...We were supposed to go to Magic Mountain today, but it isn't turning out to be a warm enough day. Instead we are going to an indoor waterpark type place. I feel bad for my 8 year old, he's never been yet.I am hoping very hard that next week may be one of the lasthot, humid, crappy days of summer so we can go before schoolstarts but I told him not to expect it so he won't be sad if we can'tget there this year. But, you mom's out there know that theyare still sad when they can't get to go.....I got my #61 in the mail yesterday and chose to do a water critter mani for the occasion. I just realized that my froggies areupsidown when I took the pic. I used my new nfu-oh 61 but I can't ever get the best kind of picwith this crappy cell phone..Thank you for coming by!! I hope you will drop in again ^_^Nicky