Korotkov Begins 840 Km Run Around Marmara Sea

By Abichal @Multidays

Russian runner Alexander Korotkov and his friend Sergei Lukyanov began a 840 km-distance run around the Marmara Sea starting January 1st 2012. They arrived at 14.00 at Istanbul Ataturk International Airport and immediately started running at 15.00 towards Tekirdag.

Alexander sent this email to Osman Atakan who says:

We have received message below from Mr.Alexander Korotkov(53), Russian master athlete. Please contact maratonturk@hotmail.com if you would like to assist him during his run.

“Hello Osman Atakan!
I am runner from Russia, St. Petersburg. In the period 2-16 January, I’m going to visit Turkiye and to run around the Sea of Marmara, 840 km. I think to finish 13th or 14th of January. Can I ask you about some help during my journey. May be you know runners who live along the route. I’ll bring a tent and will spend the night in it. But sometimes I will need accommodation in the home. Perhaps someone from the local runners could help with accommodation. Also when I come running to Istanbul (13 or 14 January) I also need accommodation for 1 or 2 days. January 16th I am flying back to Russia. Can I think on your help or anyone of your friends whether to place in Istanbul. January 14 and 15 I want to stay in Istanbul and look at picture of city and see interesting places in city. During my run arround Sea of Marmara may be somebody local runners will want to run with me some part of route.
Alexander Korotkov.

More details and part of the route are shown on Maraton Turk