
By Nina B @newshoesintown

1 - Vaso2 & 3 Arrugado4 Diamante 5 Icosaedro
I'm super excited to tell you about Koncreto, a new concrete homeware brand made right here in Wellington. The concrete containers make ideal planters for succulents, pen and makeup brush holders. I've got my eye on the gold and bronze Arrugado styles to bring life to my desk. I like to believe those studies that say having plants on your desk can help reduce stress and increase productivity. 
Everything is made by hand my wonderful friend Karla and orders take around one to two weeks. Shipping is only available to New Zealand at this stage and it's best to order by e-mailing koncreto.koncreto@gmail.com with 'ORDERS' in the subject line. 
To view all products, check out the shop here. Make sure to check them out on Facebook and Instagram too!