Knee-Jerk Reactions: Spring Game Cancellation Edition

By Huskerlocker @huskerlocker

- You win this round, Mother Nature.

- Good news! If you bought Red-White Game tickets, I believe that still counts as a charitable contribution for 2012-2013 taxes!

- This change of events is likely not going to aid recruiting in any way unless the visitors like storms.

- Hopefully the game is delayed, but it’ll be interesting to see how any ultimate decisions go down, regardless.

- Wondering if Rex Burkhead walked onto the field at some point and challenged the storm to a battle in Valhalla.

- This young man is not amused. (Thanks to Ed Nadurata)

- Tom Osborne played this the right way – Cancel the game, suggest a potential rescheduling and release the masses on free pizza. Shrewd.

- While there may be no Spring Game today, that doesn’t mean there can’t be a Bo Pelini press conference…from last year’s game.

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