Keto Success Story: “I Am Officially Diabetes FREE!”

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Jim wrote to us this fall to tell us about his great success on the keto diet. In just three months he was able to reverse his type 2 diabetes!

He wrote back to us during the holidays to update us on his journey, and tell us that he also has inspired three coworkers to join his fabulous way of eating. It's always amazing to hear how your keto transformations create ripple effects that help more people improve their health!

Jim's update

Hi Amanda!

It's that special time of the year! Merry Christmas! I would also like to wish you a health-filled, prosperous New Year!

I am officially diabetes FREE! My doctor has taken TYPE 2 DIABETES off my medical records! My HbA1c goal was to be under 5.1. If you remember this was set six months prior at my three-month checkup. My HbA1c was 5.0! I beat the goal!

This journey isn't about being perfect, it's all about being better!

Weight wise, I didn't meet my goal, I was 183 lbs (83 kg). Six pack abs, I am so close, need to hit my weight goal to achieve this. So, my takeaway is, this journey isn't about being perfect, it's all about being better!

If we blow it from time to time, no worries, just get back to making good decisions!

So my new goals are, achieve my ideal weight, 175-180 lbs (79-82 kg), get six-pack abs, and I am going to be OK with occasionally breaking keto, without concern, as I know that I just need to jump back on that train, I have been on that train, I am comfortable with the ride as I know where the train is going!

Oh, before I go, I did put into the shop vending equipment. The reason for this is I will only buy healthy things for the employees, RO water, tea, coffee - marvelous stuff, I have RO water systems in the shop. The vending equipment gets used. People need to deal with the choices they make, it's their responsibility. If I offer them something and I pay for it, it will be healthy and good for you! Since my transformation, we have three employees doing KETO!! The good is available to anyone and we support them in their decisions. In the US we have a saying, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink."

PS. My weight loss to my goal is challenging as I am lifting weights regularly. So I read Dr. Scher's comments and need to look at my intake of dairy and quantity of nuts, quantity control... So the journey continues, exciting!!

God Bless you during this holiday season.


Thanks for your update Jim. Congrats on reversing your diabetes! That is fantastic news. Remember, weight goals are often arbitrary, and our bodies may or may not allow us to get there. But health goals will do more good in the long run! Here is an article about striking the balance between weight loss, health and happiness. Hopefully you find it meaningful.
Keep up the great work

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