Keto Chocolate Mousse

By Carbophobic @carbophobic

low-carb keto chocolate mousseThis keto-friendly chocolate mousse recipe is basically a chocolate-flavoured fat bomb.

You can eat it on its own as a really decadent dessert, or use as a filling for cakes.

It is very rich and filling, so you only need to a little bit to satisfy even very strong chocolate cravings!

Keto chocolate mousse – Ingredients

Some of these ingredients are available from the low-carb shop on this website
(delivery to the UK and Europe).

  • Unsalted butter – 60g (2oz)
  • Philadelphia cream cheese – 60g (2oz)
  • Fresh double cream (heavy cream in the US), whipped – 90ml (3oz)
  • Unsweetened cocoa powder – 1 tbsp
  • Truvia, or another sweetener to taste – 1 tbsp
  • Sugar-free dark chocolate, to decorate (optional)

Keto chocolate mousse - Method

  • Leave butter at room temperature until softened (or blast in the microwave for 10-15 seconds if you haven’t got the time)
  • Mix butter with sweetener, keep mixing until completely blended
  • Add cream cheese, blend completely into a smooth mass
  • Add cocoa powder, blend completely
  • Whip double cream and gradually add to the rest of the mixture, mixing well
  • Spoon into small glasses and decorate with shavings of dark chocolate

Keto chocolate mousse - Nutritional value

As mentioned, this is a bit of a fat bomb!

For the total mixture, using amounts listed above:
1010 calories, 4.5g net carbs, 7g protein, 110g fat.

Assuming 3 servings are made from this amount, per serving:
335 calories, 1.5g net carbs, 2g protein, 37g fat.


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