Ketanga Klass Krawl: The PE Club Review

By Fitfulfocus @fitfulfocus
Take your fitness to the next level by trying new workouts... in new places! Ketanga Fitness Retreats allow you to sweat it out at some of the best locations in NYC and around the world. This post is sponsored by Ketanga Fitness Retreats.

Welcome to another great Wild Workout Wednesday Link Up where Annmarie from The Fit Foodie Mama, Angelena Marie from Angelena Marie: Happy, Healthy & Balanced, Michelle at Fruition Fitness and I bring you workout ideas, motivation, inspiration and recipes to try. Join us each week by reading along, linking up and grab the button to proudly display on your blog/in your posts!

One of the best things about living in NYC is that there is always something going on and there is always something new to try, especially when it comes to food and fitness. Some people don't like change, but me? I'm all about trying new things! After all, how can you truly know what you like and dislike unless you try all the things, right?

I think that's why a lot of people love ClassPass; it gives them an opportunity to dive into different types of fitness. While I enjoyed the experience I had with ClassPass, I didn't like the stress of having to rush online to sign up for spots before they ran out at my favorite studios. I also couldn't really plan my workout schedule - and home girl needs a plan.

Lately I've been sticking pretty much to running and CrossFit (my two loves), but I've been wanting something that allows me to try new workouts every now and then - because, you know, I like to torture challenge myself physically. I thought about an online video platform, but I know I don't push myself when I'm working out at home alone as much as I do in a class. Plus, in a class, the instructor can come around and give me tips and such.

I was in the midst of my hunt when the lovely Jordan from Skinny Redefined introduced me to Ketanga Fitness Retreats.

Ketanga's mission is to connect fitness and travel enthusiasts with the ultimate active vacations that invigorate, challenge and uplift the mind body and soul. They offer small fitness retreats, like Yoga + Running in Barbados or Pilates in Italy, as well as amazing events at different studios across NYC, which is where I come in!

Ketanga sent me to the PE Club on the Upper East Side of Manhattan to experience one of their Ketanga Klass Krawls (like a pub crawl but with fitness studios!). Basically, I got to try two different workouts in one go!

The PE Club is an awesome studio that offers personal training as well as intimate classes. Most of their classes involve TRX, which I had never done before, so I was pumped to give that a try.

Upon arriving, one of the first things I notices was the positive energy. No one was sitting on a mat, head buried in a cellphone waiting for the class to start. Everyone was up and talking to each other. It felt like such a great community.

After a little socializing, we were split into two groups. My group started with a condensed version of The PE Club's TRX Xtreme Total Body class.

After a quick warm up, we dove right into a variety of moves with the TRX bands. Man, those things are no joke! Bicep curling my body weight - what?! Our instructor, Morgana, demonstrated each move and then made sure to come around to each of us for any personal adjustments and words of encouragement. It was a tough workout, but I loved every minute of it. Ok, TRX, I see what the hype is about.

Next up was the lower body portion of The PE Club's Long & Lean class, a pilates-ish type class that utilizes bands, blocks, bodyweight and gliders. I thought this would be kind of relaxing. ERRRRRRR (that's the sound of a wrong buzzer echoing through the streets). I was so wrong! This workout was killer. My butt was screaming by the end of it. Seriously, people back in Brooklyn probably heard it. It literally kicked my booty, but it hurt so good.

After my butt stopped crying, the two groups merged for a cool down stretch. Our Long & Lean instructor, Nedra (also one of The PE Club's owners), probably summarized how I felt best:

"You should feel mildly abused but also relaxed."


Afterwards, we enjoyed refreshments courtesy of Essentia water and Arteasan teas and received goodie bags with barkTHINS and some adorable Sweaty Betty leg warmers! I'm obsessed. The PE Club also gifted all of us with a free personal training session and a free group class, so I'll definitely be back!

I really enjoyed my first Ketanga experience and can't wait to attend more of their NYC events and perhaps even one of their amazing retreats.

If you are in NYC or plan on visiting, definitely check out all of the events Ketanga has to offer (and be sure to follow them on , & for updates), and hit me up! We can go to one together!

Alright, my fit & focused friends, let's see how you're faring on this Wild Workout Wednesday. Add your links below, share your # WildWorkoutWednesday moments and be sure to check out the full link up rules here!

Let's Chat:
Do you enjoy trying new workouts and studios?
Ketanga Finess Retreat in Costa Rica - who's with me?!