Keeping Your Relationship Alive

By Livedwithlove @kerrymarie
When you are busy parents juggling work, the kids and household chores, it can be difficult to make time for a little romance in your relationship! Don’t worry – you’re not alone. Many parents struggle to balance the various responsibilities in their lives and often you’re so tired at the end of a long day that you barely have the energy to chat about your day, never mind going out for a meal or a cinema trip. Perhaps the inclination is there but you just don’t have the time to make it happen.

While it might seem like quite a regimented way of doing things, try to schedule in time for romance if possible. This doesn’t have to be as structured as it sounds. Perhaps you could agree to have a date night once a month. Get a babysitter or rope the grandparents in to look after the kids so you can have some well-needed quality time together. It gives you the opportunity to reconnect as ‘husband and wife’, or ‘boyfriend and girlfriend’, rather than as ‘mum and dad’.

If there is a tension in your relationship then making time for just the two of you is vital to smoothing over any problems. If possible, why not take a weekend away together? It will allow you to reignite the passion in your relationship and remember why you fell in love in the first place!

You may realise, however, that there are cracks in your relationship which may take a little more effort to heal. Don’t be afraid to suggest relationship counseling if necessary. More couples are also opting for more spiritual methods such as having a psychic reading at TheCircle in order to gain some insight and guidance into their lives. Sometimes getting an advice from an external source can be very beneficial.

But, don’t be afraid to make time for yourselves as a couple. It doesn’t mean you are being selfish. It simply allows you reaffirm your love for one another and continue to be the best parents you can!

How do you keep your relationship alive? 

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