No one wants to walk into a home that smells like a gym and if you don't like walking into a home that looks like a gym, sorry dearie, I have no other choice. Homes are small in Hawai'i so our main living space is my gym, darling daughter's craft area, the TV zone, and to be honest, dinner table/homework table/bible reading zone. Open concept rocks!
But just because my home looks a wee bit chaotic and jam-packed with enriching gear, including a treadmill, dumbbells, a yoga mat, foam roller, medicine ball, running shoes, and more -- this doesn't mean I want my home to smell like a gym and to be totally honest, I can be kinda germaphobic at times.
In a perfect world I would say I wipe down my equipment every day but y'all, that isn't happening but I do engage in a thorough cleaning once or twice a week. I wanted to share my routine with you and welcome any tips you may have.
I wipe down my treadmill and the walls and furniture around it with a disinfectant wipe (not the metal parts on the treadmill though). My home is arranged so plush, soft stuff is not in close proximity to my treadmill. I also wipe down the standing fan in this zone. Metal parts are wiped down with a washcloth but no more added wetness as they are fighting rust issues as it is and there are very few metal zones on my treadmill.
In my cross training zone, there is a faux leather ottoman and lounger than may get splashed with sweat as I kick and punch myself strong. These get wiped down with a disinfectant wipe or a damp towel with a lavender cleaner I love.
Dumbbells can also be wiped down with a damp, soapy cloth or with a disinfectant wipe. Your choice but if yours are foamy in areas, harsher cleaners can break down the foam so mats, etc I go with gentle cleaners like the lavender one I mentioned previously.
My workout area on the floor is carpeted. If I owned this place I would switch to a hard floor for better cleaning options but for now, I give it a good spray with Lysol but not too much as I have a guinea pig and bird nearby and frankly, we don't want them, or the family, inhaling too much fumes. I have an area rug that I roll up for my workouts so after spraying, and after workouts, I keep it rolled up a bit to let things air dry. I also strongly suggest carpet cleaning on a regular basis and more often than you may have done pre-home gym days. Renting the cleaners is amazing and go ahead and do the whole home. :)
For my weighted hand gloves, I give them a spray with Lysol maybe once or twice a month and make sure they are placed so they can air dry and not stacked on top of one another.
Right now, I do not use my resistance bands much but do to what they are made from, those will be cleaned with a cloth and soapy water.
By taking care of your gear not only will your home smell fresher, your gear will last longer and that matters too....don't you think?
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for my growing home gym and variety of home workouts.
Daily Bible Verse: Wash yourselves; make yourselves clean; remove the evil of your deeds from before my eyes; cease to do evil. ~ Isaiah 1:16