So…I was going to call this post: “ Not Crazy About Vulnerability, Right Now.” Then, I returned to it a week later, with much more perspective. Even though I wasn’t crazy about it, its purpose found me. I guess we all must learn how to surrender somehow, and vulnerability can be a very good Teacher.
…I looked up the word vulnerability, and found out that it means “accountability”. (Ouch!! Didn’t expect that!)
I have been real vulnerable these past few weeks. I have found refuge in friends and being transparent with them, but also in silence. Giving God what I have no control over. What I wanted to control.
It sounds like that Scripture in the Bible that : “Who told you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree I commanded you not to eat from?” Genesis 3:11
I am personally struggling with something right now I am seeking to understand fully, in my soul.
There are so many of us who have been told we were less than and not enough, yet these people have no right to speak into our lives, Only God has the ultimate permission and authority to do so. Only, we give others the right to do so , every day of our lives. Why is that? Perhaps because we feel less important than them; or feel we need them to help make us whole.
I give you this today: You are as important as you believe you are. YOUR WORTH Is not predicated on man’s opinions of you, but what God days says you have to offer this World.
So…keep your hand open. Be available, be accepting, Be ready to release. The more you approach life not holding on to it tightly, the more you shall have, the more you shall keep.
LIVE… Choose life. Be everything God intended for you to be from the beginning by cultivating an understanding of the Divine.