Kama Ayurveda Bringadi Intensive Hair Treatment

By Hlthbeauty
Happy Monday pretty ones!
Today's post is about a great find - a great product I recently managed to lay my hands upon. This review is based on 3 deluxe samples (gave me 6 uses) I had received with my other Kama purchases. But one that truly deserves to be reviewed!

Hair oiling is such a long running tradition in the country! I very well remember my grandma applying a mixture of castor,coconut and sesame oil to my hair with a home made blend of curry leaves, fenugreek and hibiscus flowers. Gone are the days as we moved to non-sticky hair oil loaded with mineral oil, ending up only having hair woes! Now slowly we have started understanding the deep science behind our erstwhile traditions and getting back to them one by one.
Kama Ayurveda's Bringadi Intensive Hair Treatment is one such product!
  • Indigo 
  • Bhringraj
  • Amla
  • Pure Sesame Oil
  • Liquorice
  • Balloon Vine

Benefits :
• 100% natural
• Prevent hair loss
• Prevents dandruff
• Natural conditioner
• Promotes hair growth
• Anti-fungal
• Cooling agent
• Prevents scalp infection
Bhringraj is naturally known for its multiple hair benefits including hair loss prevention, anti-dandruff nature, premature gray prevention, scalp nutrition, healthy hair, etc.
Kama Ayurveda Bringadi Intensive Hair Treatment taps into this amazing plant along with other great ingredients to make a great concoction for hair!
I personally have been not a regular with scalp/hair oiling for the past 10 years atleast. I probably have oiled my hair once in 2 months even most of the times. No proper hair care coupled with hectic work schedule and hormonal issues have landed me in massive hair loss that continues post pregnancy till date.
Having read many rave reviews of Kama's Bringadi oil earlier I was really excited to find some packed with my order.

The product is a runny oil that's dark brown in color. It smells herbal - nothing strong though. A mild herbal smell lingers around you until wash, but I infact feel that its calming!
The oil spreads easily over the scalp being runny and softens the dry hair ends immediately upon application. I leave the hair oil for about 2-3 hours before washing. I never do hair oiling overnight however beneficial it may be, since I tend to catch a cold.
I simply wash of the oil with two rounds of shampoo and skip conditioning. Bringadi is a natural conditioner and I don't want my fine hair to be weighed down with extra conditioning from another product.
The hair feels soft, manageable and healthy after a single wash. I also see that hairfall is less whenever I wash my hair after using this oil.
My hair usually tends to go flat the third day of shampooing - but using this oil and skipping conditioner my hair is much more bouncy and stays good even on the fourth day after shampoo! This one reason is enough for me to reach out to this product - I am not touching any of my dry shampoos!
Have been using this oil only for hair care followed by shampoo - twice a week in the past three weeks and am definitely happy with the results.
While I write this review, I have already ordered for a full size of the Kama Ayurveda Bringadi Intensive Hair Treatment. I also have couple of other Bringadi oils from other brands coming my way, to make my opinion on the best hair oil ever! :)
You don't need to go through the war of Bringadi oils - purchase Kama! :)