Justice and Righteousness

By Vickilane

Let Justice roll down like the waters, and Righteousness like an everflowing stream.  Amos 5:24
Wouldn't it be nice? 

Or, just as a start, what if everyone just told the truth?What with AI and all the disinformation rolling around, it can be difficult to sort out the truth. Difficult, but not impossible.There are a number of fact checkers out there: Snopes.com.Politifact.com, and FactCheck.org.I'm trying to resist jumping on memes that agree with my political views--the JD Vance couch thing is funny but completely disproven--so I'm attempting due diligence.Imagine a world where lying wans physically impossible. Speak a lie (that you know to be a lie) and you turn blue---or your pants catch on fire--or your nose grows to ridiculous lengths.If only we could put this in place for the upcoming debate.