Yesterday was dear hubby and my five year anniversary. Yay! His words - wow, who would have thought? Mine...absolutely! He is my soul mate and I know we have many more years ahead of us. There will be uphill battles and times of joy and celebration. Days we feel awesome and in sync, days when we feel blah and out of sorts, and days when we may not feel much at all because we are too tired. But we are both marathoners and really should be used to the emotional roller coaster of training and racing.
In celebration of our day we both took off of work and made plans to run together after dropping darling daughter off at school. I mentioned my plan to my coach and he scheduled us for 5 miles. It didn't occur to me until after our run that we ran 5 miles for 5 years. I see a tradition starting here!
The goal of our run was simple. To run together. He has been hurting so going shorter and slower was fine by him but he did give me permission to leave him behind. Nope, not going to happen on our anniversary but the run did entail a lot of backward glances to ensure he was still close behind. We run along a highway stretch that pretty much requires a single file run in many points for safety reasons.
The run started out feeling slow and sluggish and I tried to not worry about pace. It is time to run for fun and we were running uphill but in all honesty, I did try to pick up the pace some when I heard my first mile was a 10'00" pace. The run felt good. My breathing was increased but I wasn't panting or feeling overly exerted. Imagine my surprise when I saw my final splits: 10'00", 8'51", 8'17", 7'59", 7'13". My overall pace was 8'29". Happy, happy, happy!
My goal marathon pace is 9'00". I still wonder how I will do that for 26.2 miles but it is okay to wonder. I will set my tier of race goals and post that later. For now, I know I ran subtle upcountry hills for 5 miles at a pace 31 seconds faster than my goal marathon pace. The marathon is at sea level, has some hills, but has a good portion of flat running. Only time will tell. Have faith! And yesterday's run was just what I needed to build up my confidence a bit further.
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for a great run!
Daily Affirmation: My heart is opening to love and letting go of negativity.