Just Be Vulnerable. We often believe being vulnerable has a negative connotation. The truth is, vulnerability has good and negative aspects, but mostly good. Being vulnerable means we take a risk that we will fail, and despite the fact that we are exposed, mistrusting, and “it doesn’t feel good”…we do it anyway. There are many things in life that don’t feel good initially, but we must still do them in the presence of fear and anxiety to release ourselves from its hold on our life.
When you are vulnerable, you are accountable to your soul. Your mind, your will and your emotions. You release self-blame and you are open to suggestion. You start guarding your place in defense and offense, and you seek emotional safety by being open to being introspective. We look at ourselves deeply and intimately enough to consider our personal needs, our emotional needs, our safety needs, ( that which assures us and frees us).
If you are not being vulnerable, you are NOT being your true and authentic self. Trust today that vulnerability can maximize your life and your potential to be effective in every area of your life.
Here are three guideposts to help reassure you of the need to cultivate vulnerability in your life:
- Are you Available? (Being Ready.)
- Are You Present? ( Being Engaged.)
- Are you Willing to Grow? ( Being Open to Change.)
This is an email series that exists via Other Side Enterprises, LLC. An esteem based business that encourages soul development – development of the mind, will and emotions. If you would like to read more, email me on my contact page, or at othersideenterprises@gmail.com, and get entirety of this written eBook series. Or pay here and the link will come to me and be sent directly to your email! Make Sure you put “Be Vulnerable” after your last name in the Pay Pal account, so I will be informed which series you are purchasing. For instance: First Name – Jennifer, Last Name – Owens- Be Vulnerable.