Jumble Hole Clough Supports the Calderdale Flood Relief Appeal

Posted on the 30 December 2015 by Hctf @hctf
photo: Lisa Sciobtha

The rains and floods have made a mess of Hebden Bridge in West Yorkshire, residence of avant=garde multi-instrumwentalist Colin Robinson. The Calderdale river swept through the streets. He is donaiing the proceeds of the music by his one-man project Jumble Hole Clough to help clean up the town:

Many people in the Hebden Bridge area have lost a lot in the floods; I’m going to donate all the money I earn from Jumble Hole Clough downloads for the next month to the Calderdale Flood Relief Appeal.

Download his albums (pay-what-you-want) from his website.

Tonight's gig at The Nutclough Tavern on Keighley Road is still on. Also on the bill: Michael Linden West and The Cosmic Puppet (Tony Halsall).

» The Cosmic Puppets on Facebook
» Michael Linden West on Soundcloud
» Jumble Hole Clough on Facebook

HCTF review of A List Of Things That Never Happened (Jumble Hole Clough).