July Non-Beauty Favourites

By Georginacallen @georginacallen

July seems to have whizzed past amongst beautiful weather and my birthday I haven't really had much time to sit down and sort my online life out. I've been loving the new Jay Z album Magna Carta this month literally haven't stopped playing it - especially love 'on the run' feat Beyonce often have it on repeat for ages without even realising it's the only song I've been listening to for an hour. My iPhone 5 is also a firm July favorite glad I took the option of upgrading the 4 I had as after 3 years it had gotten pretty slow and I also really wanted a white one haha. I bought a cheap case for it on eBay but want something a little prettier so keeping an eye out at the moment. 
Even though it's currently raining buckets the summer sun over the last month has made drinking stupid amounts of Pimms really acceptable. I love the new blackberry and elderflower flavor they've bought out filled with frozen berries, ice and diet lemonade it tastes so good. I'm also loving home made iced coffee it's the perfect wake up in the summer sun. As I'm trying to cut down on treats of the food variety bunches of Peonies are my current favorite in the weekly shop. This photo doesn't do them justice as they haven't opened yet but they are just gorgeous and my all time favorite flower. Finally Pinterest has come back in my life with massive vengeance this month - adoring spending endless hours looking at bunting, other people's weddings and stationary. Especially loving the Nouvelle Daily pin boards at the moment I could repin every single thing they post.