July Favourites

By Bambileigh

“Time is moving too fast. My life is disappearing before my eyes. I’ll be 30 before I know it”  Those are just a few of the things that run through my mind every time I realize it’s time to do a monthly favourites. But let’s try not to think about our mortality and let me show you what I’ve spent one of my limited months on Earth obsessing over.



Village Candle – Warm Buttered Bread

If you’ve been here more than 5 minutes you’ll know I’m one of those annoying people that are heavily into their candles. I feel this ones a bit of a weird one for summer, but its so comforting and fills my whole apartment so I don’t really care. Village candles are pretty good with getting their scents spot on, but this one really is amazing. If you walked into my apartment whilst I was burning this you would genuinly think I’d been baking bread!

Choc Shot

Ohhhh chocolately goodness. I picked this up a couple of weeks ago as I wanted something to drizzle over my french toast and strawberries that I had planned for breakfast, and as this is only 14 calories a teaspoon I couldn’t really go wrong! It’s technically a hot chocolate but it can be drizzled over pretty much anything you like.


This is the cutest movie I’ve seen in a long time. It was slightly frustrating that all the music was by Rihanna, but I guess I should have expected that seeing as how she voices one of the main characters. It’s still a really good film either way, and Oh is so adorable!

Real Techniques Silicone Liner Brush

I’ve lusted after this brush for quite some time, but put it off for ages as I already have the RT angled liner brush. I love that brush for both eyeliner and eyebrows but it was a bit of a pain having to clean it inbetween each step… I was basically just lazy so ordered the silicone brush and I’m so glad I did! It gives me a really smooth line and I find it easier to control than the angled brush, so it’s much easier to get a thinner line if I want to… which I usually don’t but at least the option is there!

Cherry & Cinnamon Fruit Tea

Holy crap this is delicious. I’m a big fan of the Twinings cranberry and blood orange tea, so when I went to order another box I noticed Tesco had a Twinings offer on so I thought I’d take advantage and give this a go. I’m not too keen on fruit tea by itself but it’s reeeeal nice if you add 2/3 sweetener tablets!

PicMonkey Collage


The last things I’ve been loving this month are my succulents! As we don’t have a garden I’ve been trying to bring more plants into the apartment so I took myself off to B&Q and picked up a pack of succulents amongst other things. I wanted to make a terranium but couldn’t find a container/bowl I liked but Mum said she had a big glass bowl, so I took the plants round and left her to it! Isn’t she a clever bean ;)

Every month when I start thinking about the things I want to share I always go blank and can only think of one or two pieces, but then when I start going round collecting the bits and bobs ready for a photo I end up grabbing loads and having to only show my absolute favourites! I’m like a child that wants to show all of their toys. I hope everyone had a great month! :)