On Friday Meema said I was a whirlwind.
But not all the time. This is me sitting quietly and reading my medium-sized poop book. (This is what she calls Puzo's THE LAST DON. I have no idea why.)
And this is me drawing the Jabberwocky.
He is green with two eyes and a mouth and two skinny arms. He was in a book we read. He is my new favorite monster.
Then I gave Bob a Dog a hat. He likes it.
Also I climbed on the back of the sofa and slid down. I call it my bobslide.
Then Grumpy put on some music and I danced.
I think I will be a clogger when I'm not being a ballerina.
It is the end of the day and I am full of energy because I had a banana after my nap. Meema and Grumpy are not full of energy. They are sitting down. Maybe they need to eat more bananas.