This is a Dingola Poopfloot. It is very rare but there are a lot of them. It is one-half horse, one-half dog, one-half alligator. one-half Meema, and one-half imagination. The Meema half says NONONONO.His poop is blue and long and gets stuck to his butt. His mouth is on his belly, and he has a long purple tongue. He has a red body with black stripes and a green tummy. He was born in the Dinosaur Age.
This (below) is a Kaptootie Tututu. It eats plants and is not rare. It was born in the Dinosaur Age also. It has wings and looks like a peacock but different. It is very colorful.
It used to be extinct, but one was still alive and gave birth to many more and they are REAL.I AM NOT KIDDING!!!
The one is called a (yelling) BLEEEEEEE! He is very giant. He eats brown tree trunks. He is pretty weird and don't blame me for it. He looks a lot like a turtle. He is half turtle, half ladybug, half kitty, and halfelephant.
I spread out all my art all over the living room. It was my gallery so Grumpy could admire my work.
Here is the last one. It is a Rainbow Floobie-Doobie. He is so colorful. That is why he is called rainbow. He eats anything messy--like trash.
His tail has eight feathers. He has a long tongue, as long as a grownup's arm. He is the rainbow-est dinosaur on earth. What is that brown stuff? says Meema.His poop, I tell her.Why do you want to show that? she says.So you'll know what it looks like, I say. It looks like a cup cake and it's edible. It tastes like chocolate and vanilla.Oh, says Meema.