Josie Learns Stuff

By Vickilane

At breakfast I work with my letters, spelling D-O-G dog and B-O-B Bob and then I spell WFDR and ask ask Meema what that spells and she says it is not a word. But I keep on asking and she makes a face and says it's not a word but if it were it would sound like woofder. I love making funny words for Meema to say. And when Hamsie is there, he says them too.

Also I play songs on my piano. Meema tries to show me how to play Twinkle, Twinkle, little star but I play me own songs mostly. I can sing songs from Frozen and very loud. Meema does not know these songs.
Then we do work in the tracing book. I like the puzzles where you find things hidden in pictures and draw circles around them. I wonder if this is what school will be like?