Josie at Work

By Vickilane


This was Josie's own idea. She asked me a bunch of questions about what I liked and then wrote down the answers. Her spelling is a tad idiosyncratic, and she reverses some letters now and then.


Favorite food-Bread; favorite animal-dogs; favorite thing to do-reading; favorite place-farm; favorite person-Josie; favorite plant-lavender; favorite place to spend time-home; favorite drink-water; favorite season-spring; favorite insect-spiders; favorite color-green; favorite shape-spiral; favorite piece of furniture-chair.

I'm wondering if this was inspired by her teacher or someone encouraging children to reach out to their elderly relatives. 

I love how she spelled spider.


Speaking of idiosyncratic, check out these trees,And note the division between the sky and the sun.This sky/sun thing is a new trend in her art.