World Bipolar Day (WBD) – an initiative of the Asian Network of Bipolar Disorder (ANBD), the International Bipolar Foundation (IBPF), and the International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) – will be celebrated each year on March 30th, the birthday of Vincent Van Gogh, who was posthumously diagnosed as probably having bipolar disorder.
I participated in World Bipolar Day last year (2014). It was my first year participating, and the first time I told my personal bipolar story to the world. It was liberating, plus I helped a few people get help for themselves! I invite you to share your story- you’ll find that you are not alone! You can read my story here.
The vision of WBD is to bring world awareness to bipolar disorders and to eliminate social stigma. Through international collaboration, the goal of World Bipolar Day is to bring the world population information about bipolar disorders that will educate and improve sensitivity towards the illness.
Each of the organizations is encouraging their members, chapters, and affiliates to orchestrate local events surrounding WBD.
International Bipolar Foundation’s CALL TO ACTION:
1. We are asking people with a lived experience, caregivers and the general public to submit
a photo to us:
Hold a sign, write text over your photo, or email the text for us to add, that says:
–Lived Experience: “I am (something other than your illness) ” with your name (optional), and country
–Caregivers: “I love/care for someone with bipolar disorder” with your name (optional), and country
–General Public: “I support those who have bipolar disorder” with your name (optional), and country
2. All images must be submitted no later than March 15th to with your signed photo permission slip.
3. Images will be displayed all day on March 30th via Facebook, Twitter and additional IBPF social media pages.
I hope you will participate this year! Whether it’s through a blog post, a social media post, or by sharing your “I AM” photo, you’ll not only be helping yourself, but you’ll be helping others to know they’re not alone! If you have any questions, please email, or email me at I am looking forward to reading everyone’s posts!
Find the International Bipolar Foundation on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. I am the manager of their Instagram account, and love connecting with new people every day!
To health & happiness,
Your email: