I am so very excited to announce some AMAZING interviews we have coming up in the Get Ahead Club. Our next interview is September 30th (Monday) and Get Ahead Club members will have the opportunity to listen to my interview with Angie Morgan, the author of Leading From the Front: No-Excuse Leadership Tactics for Women.
Angie has acquired thousands of hours as a professional speaker and trainer, executive coach and curriculum designer for leading companies and organizations around the globe. After learning how to lead as a Marine Corps officer, she dedicated her career to helping others develop their leadership skills in order to achieve greater results.
What is the Get Ahead Club?
I created the Classy Career Girl Get Ahead Club for professional women who are determined to get ahead in their careers. This is my entry level of membership and a great way to have ongoing access to me and other career experts at a very affordable rate. Topics range from how to get promoted, how to manage your time, how to find your dream job and how to manage stress and burnout.
These women that I pick to interview are women that I REALLY want to talk to. I have heard them speak before and they have completely inspired me. So I am being very picky and only choosing the best experts and successful professional women that I REALLY want to talk to. So I won’t waste your time. This is as good as it gets! Today there are over 35 women in the Get Ahead Club and over 16 interviews to download and listen to for inspiration and motivation at your fingertips! I suggest listening to them while you are working at your desk, driving to work or exercising. I am a big fan of making the best use of my time and sitting and doing nothing is not something I am good at:)
Getting ahead is hard and I don’t want you to do it alone. I want to support you and so does everyone else in the club. Click here to join us in the club.
And as a special bonus only until September 30th, I am giving away to new members my brand new guide, “Female Leadership Secrets: Strategies, Tools & Secrets to Expand Your Leadership, Successfully Work With Men and Reach Your Career Dreams.” This guide is a very special thing I have been working on and you don’t want to miss this opportunity to get it free because it won’t be next month! Also, if you join by September 30th, you get access to all 16 interviews I have already completed in 2013! Those 16 interviews will be taken off the site for new members after September 30th so you don’t want to miss this opportunity to get access to ALL OF THEM before they go away!
Make sure you click here to join us today before the $1 trial goes away on October 1st!!
I encourage you to invest this small amount in your future career success and then get ready to GET AHEAD!
P.S. And guess who will be joining us in October!! Kate White, author of I Shouldn’t Be Telling You This and former Editor in Chief of Cosmo! Woohoo! Make sure you join us to hear the interview and get the support that you need!