Johnny Dowd: Record Store Day 7" Split w/ Mark Lotterman

Posted on the 11 February 2015 by Hctf @hctf
Johnny Dowd: Record Store Split Mark Lottermanphoto: Kat Dalton

Out-of-the-box Americana singer-songwriter Johnny Dowd and Dutch dark balladeer Mark Lotterman will release a split 7" for Record Store Day (April 18th):

Johnny has collaborated with his friend and talented musician Mark Lotterman in producing a 7-inch. Johnny’s song “1953” is on one side and Mark’s song “Time Goes By (So Slowly)” is on the other. It will be available on the Euro tour, and we might have some left to sell at Johnny’s site afterwards. Johnny and Mark will be participating in Record Store Day in The Netherlands on April 18, and the vinyl will be available at their shows there, as well.
USA live dates: European live dates:


HCTF review of That's Your Wife on the Back of My Horse.