Johnny Dowd: JIngle Bells

Posted on the 23 December 2015 by Hctf @hctf

Johnny Dowd has posted a live version of Jingle Bells as an antidote for all the cheesy, Disneyfied renditions:

In the spirit of the season, we’d like you to have this free download—Johnny’s version of “Jingle Bells.“ This was recorded live. We aren’t sure where or when! Besides Johnny, you’ll hear Kim Sherwood-Caso (vocals), Willie B (drums), and Justin Asher (guitar). Above is a photo taken on Christmas morning, a long time ago—Johnny, photographed by his father, in Pauls Valley, Oklahoma.

Free download from his website. Another version were released this year on his Live in Morgantown album. His latest studio albumThat's Your Wife on the Back of My Horse is on HCTF's best of 2015 list.


HCTF review of That's Your Wife on the Back of My Horse.