John Frieda Full Repair Conditioner*

By Beaumaquillagex @beaumaquillagex

When I was asked if I would like to try some John Frieda products, I jumped at the chance. When I had ombré hair, I always used their purple shampoo to get rid of the brassy tones at the ends of my hair and make it more blonde, I thought it worked so well. I was sent this Full Repair Conditioner & a serum(review to come) to try, and I love it!
I have always straightened and styled my hair, and never properly looked after it, up until about a year ago when I got massively obsessed and started trying out every conditioner! My hair is naturally very dry, it always has been, and so I have come to find out that I need to use a deep conditioner at least twice a week to keep in the moisture.
This conditioner is just like a deep conditioner. On the back of the bottle it recommends that you leave it on 3-5 minutes, my hairdresser told me that this meant it would be a better and deeper conditioning conditioner. I leave this on for 5 minutes and when I wash it out my hair has never felt so soft! Since using this I have noticed a definite improvement in the condition of my hair, not only does it straighten better, but it is more shiny & soft, easier to manage & style, and much much less frizzy. Even if I go back to a different conditioner for one wash, my hair still retains the moisture that this conditioner has given it.
The conditioner is a thick white conditioner and feels very creamy, it has the typical 'John Frieda' scent which smells absolutely lush. It lingers in your hair, but isn't too overpowering which is another positive to this product.
I think this whole range is very effective, and I know that FleurDeForce loves it too. It is great for overstyled and damaged hair, and I know that I will continue to repurchase this again and again.
Thanks for readingWhat is your favorite conditioner?