John Freida 3 Day Straight: Ravings Of A Frizz Haired Maniac

By Aspirationsofglam @Aspirationsofgl
For a significant time John Freida have been the pioneer of miracle hair product promises.
(He also married Lulu...but we will save that for another time)
When I was a teenager I remember seeing the Frizz-ease adverts showing a previously fizz haired fro transformed into sleek and shiny frizz-free hair. Needless to say I was left bitterly disappointed when I was left with oil slick frizz.
My experience with John Freida over the years has been hit and miss.I really like their purple shampoo and have used their highlight range with great success.So purchasing the 3-Day straight I half kicked myself at being so easily led into purchasing a high street watered down keratin treatment.
My hair is dry and wavy/curly.Its taken years to master and maintain straight hair and any help towards this process was warmly welcomed.

Having sprayed this into my wet hair and blow dried my hair straight in sections. The product packaging recommends using straighteners to seal the keratin treatment into the hair after blow drying.
The product has made my hair feel brilliantly soft and significantly more manageable.If your hoping for polka straight locks then your thinking is along the lines of unrealistic but this product gets a big thumbs up for making the hair more manageable.
3-Days straight?Probably more along the lines of two. The only issue I have with this product is the big over-reliance on heat tools. I personally use heat way too much but I really do like the significant improvement I did get using this product.
What hair products are you loving at the moment?

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