Jodie Marsh - Bullied: My Secret Past

By Fashionmakeupandbeauty @_melissajayne

This may be a touchy subject for many people in the world, myself especially.Like many I have also experienced a form of bullying while I was at primary and secondary school.Watching Jodie Marsh - Bullied: My Secret Past brought back so many memories some bad but some also good. Going into the lifes of people who had experienced or still experiencing bullying is very emotional as Jodie Marsh herself has been bullied. She reveals her inner secrets of what went on and the journey along the way. She also reveals how an injury during a hockey match altered her facial appearance, resulting in barbed taunts and physical abuse that eventually prompted her to contemplate suicide.With bullying myself I find it hard to understand how people can be so mean towards someone else to make themselves feel better. what kick do they get out of it?! except making someone feel more insecure about themselves. I personally got verbally bullied, this stemmed from a simple thing like music taste which I had at the time. Although I never once said anything bad to these people why did they have to take the mick out of me? I would never of said anything about things they liked at all everyone's different and likes different things. I used to listen to like bands such as Greenday and My Chemical Romance but while your at school I guess its not acceptable to like a different type of music if forsay the "popular" or "more popular than you" do not like. I got called all sorts of names such as "Mosher" or "Goth" and from what I wore a simple wrist band they accused me of cutting myself and telling people thats what I did and why I wore it and the simple fact was I wore it because I liked it. And it continued with my hair and clothes.From then on having things thrown at you all day it starts feeling as though there right and then that then lent to me blaming myself for them doing what there doing so I cut myself a few times hard as it is to admit on the internet I would never say in person im ashamed at myself now for letting them get to me so much. But after doing that to myself a few time no major lasting damage I tried to change my "image" and start being more like what they wanted or what I thought. But nothing you do or say changes what people then think of you. Then I got labelled "fake". As always if someone changes and others don't like it. In my head I felt as though if I did this I was better than them and they hadn't won. But now I have left and its been 3 years I look back and think why should I change myself for anyone I am me and if people don't accept that then there just not worth one bit of my time. I must admit I still suffer from things from my past thats happened e.g I don't not trust anyone and I get paranoid very easy over things I shouldn't.But I have learnt to love myself for who I am and not let anyone bring me down in there troubled little lives.So for the first time in my life I have actually admitted to myself what has happened, they never knew me or my story so how can you judge a book by its cover. You just simply cant.Thanks Melissa xoCheck out Jodie Marsh - Bullied: My Secret Past :)