JF Acne Relief Cleanser Bar Review

By Ireviewuread

Remember THIS post? I finally got round to using this sample and here’s my review of it!

Ok first things first what does it do? :

  • Help treat Blackheads Whitehead and other Acne conditions
  • Convenient to use for shoulders and back

Well basically, this is the first cleanser bar which I’ve tried and I find it’s smell is not as strong or unappealing. It lathers up rather quickly and after a few uses, the bar became smaller rather speedily. It’s not too strong such that it would not drys out or tighten your skin after washing it. If used daily, it helps control my back acne. 

Overall, I would give it 4 IreviewUread Smiles for I felt this products is actually quite good for acne but for blackheads and whiteheads, not so much.