Jenny's Mouthwash: Masako Mizutani

By A Mused Blog @Amusedblog
 Hello, lovelies! It's Jennifer Fabulous here to introduce you to more glamboyant fabulousness!
I was searching for beauty tips the other day, when I stumbled upon a blogging icon from Japan. Her name is Masako Mizutani. Isn't she pretty?

Oh, and did I mention her age? Masako Mizutani is 43 years old.
Yeah, that's right. This Asian model is a housewife with a 20-year-old daughter! And she has NEVER had plastic surgery.
Masako's doll-like appearance, ethreal aura, ageless skin, and big brown eyes have made her an object of obsession for millions of men and women all over the world.
There is even a Chinese blog dedicated to her, which has already reached more than 10,000 followers.
In interviews, Masako has stated she spends five hours per day taking care of her skin.
Now that is true dedication to being gorgeous! Would you spend that much time on your face?!
In several interviews, Masako has graciously given tips on how to look younger. She follows these simple, everyday rules, which I have paraphrased here:
Get off your butt: Exercising is not only good for your health, but does wonders for your appearance. It helps tighten skin and give your face a healthy glow.
Get rid of the other butt: Smoking has been proven to speed up the normal aging process of skin, causing premature wrinkles. Looking for a more scientific answer? Mayo Clinic states, "The nicotine in cigarettes causes narrowing of the blood vessels in the outermost layers of your skin. This impairs blood flow to your skin. With less blood flow, your skin doesn't get as much oxygen and important nutrients, such as vitamin A. Many of the more than 4,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke also damage collagen and elastin, which are fibers that give your skin its strength and elasticity. As a result, skin begins to sag and wrinkle prematurely because of smoking."
Eat healthy, fresh food: Eat three to four balanced meals per day. More specific foods designed to help you look younger include sweet potatoes, salmon, tomatoes, citrus, leafy greens, and red wine.
Drink lots of water: Well, um, duh.
ALWAYS APPLY SUNSCREEN IF YOU'RE GOING IN THE SUN: Your mother warned you and now this hot Japanese chick is doing the same. Listen, girls, listen.
Moisturize like it's your job: Masako prefers vitamin-E based creams or lotions. She cannot emphasize enough the importance of keeping your skin (all over your body) soft.
What do you think of these tips? Do you follow some of these already? And what do you think of Masako?
Miss Jennifer Fabulous is both a dear friend and regular guest poster on Amber's Mouthwash! Every month she has a feature Jenny's Mouthwash, where she posts on any and all things amazing and fabulous. Be sure to check out her blog too! A monthly dose of her just isn't enough!