Jason Lips Bee Healthier Lip Balm

By Newwithhashtags @NewWithHashtags
Review of: Jason Lips Bee Healthier Lip Balm

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On January 25, 2013Last modified:March 18, 2013


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I recently got my first Glossybox and inside I got several little goodies, including the Jason Lips Bee Healthier. It’s a lovely little lip balm made of aloe and beeswax, which is also 70% organic. This lip balm has a small £1.99 price tag but it packs a big punch! I can honestly say it is the best lip balm I have ever tried – and when I got it I hadn’t even been looking for another one, but boy am I glad I did!

My Glossybox (Jan 2013) arrived with the snow and all the contents were absolutely freezing. My Jason Lips Bee Healthier was rock hard and I was a little put off, but I tried it out anyway. Within seconds of coming into contact with my lips the lip balm softened into a creamy gel with glided effortlessly over my lips with a minty twang. It smells so good and fresh, but it feels even better because it’s so smooth and you can feel it softening your lips almost immediately. Yet the amazing power of this lip balm doesn’t stop there because it just lasts and lasts. I’ve never experienced a lip balm stick to last so long, nor to feel so smooth on application. In fact, I haven’t experienced a lip balm which is fully able to soften and soothe my lips because of its aloe and vitamin E content, which moisturises and protects. This is also the first lip balm which hasn’t got super mushy after a few uses because as it melts onto the lips it seems to remain solid where it hasn’t come into contact with your skin yet. As such, it’s remained in shape and hasn’t got stuck in the lid like so many of my other lip balms have!

I really like how the lip balm doesn’t look glossy on the lips, but rather just subtlety moist. Again the smell is really pleasant and isn’t imposing, and it really does do what it aims to do – to soften, moisturise and protect your lips. I’m so impressed with the Jason Lips Bee Healthier, and I was pleasantly surprised because I hadn’t previously heard of the Jason brand. The fact it’s 70% organic and just £1.99 for 4.6g is astonishing, and it’s a perfect addition to birthday and Christmas presents. I can’t encourage you enough to dump your other lip balms and give this a go!