In 2012, I ran 98 miles in January. I did find out on the 31st that I could do 2 more miles to get to 100 but didn't have the time. Ironically, I feel the same time crunch this year as things are ramping up big time at work and something has to give. I am happy to say, I did a great job keeping my priorities straight because my running didn't give too much. I ended up with 147 miles in January this year! Woo-hoo!
Since my 2013 Resolutions did have some good metrics I feel it is worthwhile to look at them each month and assess my progress. For the running daily, it is pretty easy to keep tabs on it and how I am progressing since I mark each day off on my home calendar, note each day in my running log book, and note each day on Daily Mile. Triplicate should work, right? January 31, 2013 marked day 399 of my running streak bringing me to 1,615 streak miles. But for the goal of reaching 2,013 miles by December 31, 2013....that one needs to be looked at so things won't slip away. I know it averages about 39 miles a week but I also knew going into this goal that my first weeks wouldn't be there. As of now, I have done 147 miles or about 34.2 miles a week. This is up from my weekly mileage in 2012 but I still have some base building to do. The goal is still attainable!
In addition, I have been working on bringing more yoga into my life. It really does feel good and I do see the positive benefits, or more accurately feel the tightness increase on days without yoga. It really is something I should get into the practice of doing daily, or at least every other day. It doesn't take long and I have faith I will get there.....eventually.
And finally, I am been playing with new recipes and trying to continue to eat cleaner with more fruits and veggies.
I am feeling pretty darn optimistic for February and the rest of the year!
How did your January go? Any hurdles or successes? Feel free to vent or brag away below!
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful my gym has such early hours.
Daily Affirmation: I can balance all aspects of my life.